I have a friend who is now studying in UKM and as the medium is Bahasa Melayu, the lecturers/professors there would, once in a while, in between lectures, spend some time discussing the Malay language. The latest discussion was on the word "Sembahyang". According to one of the professors (who is an expert in Malay language), the word "sembahyang" is taken from 2 Sanskrit words which are "sembah" and "yang". "Sembah" is the word sembah that we've always understood. However, the word "yang" refers some "berhala" or "dewa". So putting the words together, it means to "sembah" the one that is equivalent to God. Almost all of us have been using the word "sembahyang" throughout our lives. And it has been okay because we've always interpreted that word to mean sembah Allah. However, now that we know where and how the word originated, it would be much much better and safer (to the> aqidah) to use the alternative word, "solat"; when we mean to say "sembahyang". Hai-ya-'a-las-solah......
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